And you, how do you experience your confinement?
According to the posts published on the Facebook group " I'm not dancing tango so I did this instead " , some are full of exciting, hilarious or challenging ideas, related to tango... or not.
You don't lack imagination, and you manage to make me scream with laughter!
It's my turn to offer you some leads on the theme of dance that I have gleaned here and there, and that I have implemented for the most part: tips that I invite you to take advantage of if you feel like it. , or activities that we would probably never have time to do if we were not confined.
I also invite you to send me your own ideas so that I can relay them if you wish!
Take advantage of the (temporary? Probably, so don't delay) availability of the film Le Bal by Ettore Scola on YouTube . If you haven't seen it already, the first scene should remind you of something - LOL.
Did you know ?
The choreographer Nadia Vadori-Gauthier, who created the Une Minute de Danse par Jour website , calls on your confined dances! You can participate on his Facebook page or on Instagram .
Do you want to work your body like ballet dancers?
Take a look at Healthy Ballet Paris .
On their Instagram account , go to the Permanent Story " Buttocks of steel " (!!) and do the exercises daily.
You shouldn't be disappointed with the results, re-LOL.
On the tango side, Vanessa Gauch's YouTube channel is full of little practical exercises that are good for improving our technique. It's free.
Finally, I can only recommend that you take part in the dance challenges offered regularly by the muse of the brand, I named
Agostina Tarchini , the World Stage Tango Champion!
On her Instagram account , she offers us and dissects us often mischievous little choreographies, tango-inspired or not.
You can even send her your own video that she'll be sure to show up on her account as frenzied stories. I have already recognized some of you whom I congratulate!!
The exercise is excellent and allows you to keep in shape and work on your technique. All in a fun and slightly naughty atmosphere.
Hey, about our champion, did you see this terrific impersonation by Sara Kelly Husain? That's special zygomatic confinement - triple LOL!!